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Written by Dr Brett MacLean, Chief Medical Officer

Helene arrived at the GPiH-partnered Togolese Health Center on the brink of death. Her blood pressure was barely readable, and her oxygen levels were not sustainable. Thankfully, her loving husband brought her to our well-equipped, excellently staffed health center in time. Immediately upon arrival, her condition was recognized, and the team sprang into action. 

I was thankful to be on site when she arrived so that I could assist and continue to train the Togolese medical staff in taking care of a critically ill patient…a level of care sorely lacking across most of West Africa. 

Oxygen was started and fluids were quickly infused to try to raise her blood pressure as well as powerful antibiotics administered for what appeared to be a sudden, severe infection of the blood. She needed continuous support to allow enough time for the medications to effectively go to work so her body could begin to function normally again.

Normally the nurse practitioners who staff the health center work during the day seeing sick visits and then return home in the evening but Michel, standing to my left in the photo, wanted to keep a close eye on her and stayed the night to make sure she was doing well. 

Rounds the following morning after Helene arrival

Thankfully over the next few days, she began to stabilize and little by little fully recover! Here she is pictured with me 5 days after her arrival. 

Dr. MacLean and Helene after her recovery

There are honestly so many stories of success and lives spared at the Togolese Health Center, and this is just one example of the impact that each of you as partners are having in this amazing work. Thank you for partnering with Global Partners in Hope!

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