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Writer's pictureSamantha McCandless

GPiH Reaches Year-End Goal

Updated: May 14, 2024

The numbers are in! We are so excited to announce that, by God’s grace and the faithful support of our amazing donors and supporters, 100% of GPiH’s Year-End Goal was met! We just want to say THANK YOU to all of our supporters who help make the vision and mission of GPiH a reality. Providing sustainable hope wouldn’t be possible without the blessings we receive from all of the continuous support.

2020 had plenty of challenges for GPiH, a nonprofit that is driven to help people around the globe. We had to manage this year without ever getting on a plane after February which, for us, is unheard of. We battled through the trials, we adapted and grew, and we are undoubtedly better off for it. Zoom became our best friend as we stayed connected with our partners across the globe and figured out new ways to help bring people sustainable hope. 

Now, 2020 is behind us, and we can focus our efforts on the new year ahead. This year-end boost will fund so many new projects we have planned for 2021 as well as the opening of the new medical center in Togo. We look forward to bringing HOPE to so many more people in need and making this year one with an even greater impact.

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