One of the main goals of GPiH is to stay connected with all of our volunteers, donors, and supporters, especially during this unprecedented time. During a time where face-to-face conversations, meetings, and events are not possible, nor safe, it is crucial that we remain connected and informed. We want to keep you updated on our work around the globe, and at this time, social media is the best means to do so.
One of the primary means of staying connected in this digital age is through various social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Global Partners in Hope would like to invite all of our donors and supporters to follow and like us on all of our social media platforms in an effort to increase engagement.
Listed below are all of our social media profiles, so please connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, and Zoom! We would love to engage with you on all of our social media platforms.

If any of the GPiH content moves or inspires you, please feel free to share our posts with your friends and followers! As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email us at