Kasif arrived with great pain in his knee and difficulty walking after a motorcycle accident three months prior. Thanks to the wonderful x-ray machine, purchased by the Suburban Rotary Club of Omaha, we were able to see how badly his patella was broken and how far apart the two pieces remained.
Can you imagine living with this kind of injury for months without the ability to get an x-ray to see what happened, much less be able to find affordable care?
Due to the severity of the separation of the pieces of his patella, the duration of his injury, and the limited surgical capabilities in Togo, we advised him that the best course of action was to drain the fluid that had accumulated in his knee and treat the inflammation. The medical team was able to drain the large amount of fluid off of his knee and relieve his pain and immobility. At the same time, the Togolese team received training to help treat future patients.
As a result of his treatment, Kasif has regained the ability to walk! He has very little pain and is so thankful to have received compassionate care and counseling about his treatment options at a very low affordable price.
Kasif’s story is a great example of the life difficulties experienced in West Africa and yet the impact that can be made through providing sustainable medical care. We are so thankful that Kasif was able to get relief and regain the ability to walk easily at our partnered medical center in Togo. We are grateful for everyone who supports this important work that enables people like Kasif to receive care!